Giorgio Eros Morandini



Born in Udine in 1959, since The earlier days of his life, he has been in close contact with marble in his father’s workshop, a craft that has projected him from the mid-70s to refine his sculptural techniques, until he continued in the early 90s where he made sculpture his profession, exhibiting in numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

After attending courses in the history of contemporary art, drawing and ceramics at the “Giovanni da Udine” School of Art and Crafts, between 1996 and 1997 the meetings with the masters were profitable Franco Meneguzzo (to whom the essentiality of the form and processing of the materials belongs), Giancarlo Sangregorio (whose specialty is the combination of materials), Janez Lenassi (who plays stone as a living organism) and last but not least Kengiro Azuma (whose peculiarity is the relationship between the shape and the environment).

From 1998 to 2010 he personally directed the sculpture courses at the marble quarries of Arzo (CH). During this period he continued his artistic career and his works are found in public and private collections in Europe, Canada and Japan.

He carries out its activity between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Versilia, in Tuscany. His monumental works are permanently in the Open One Modern and Contemporary Art gallery in Pietrasanta (Lucca). Since 2015 it has been included in the “MuSA” Virtual Museum of Sculpture and Architecture in Pietrasanta.

“…egli fa cantare la pietra: il suono fa materia, pulsa, respira. L’opera che nasce dallo sbozzatore rivela la sicurezza con cui Giorgio Eros Morandini legge e interpreta il divenire della forma nella sua dolorosa ricerca di armonia” – Walter Schoenenberger
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